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Aarrow Boilers

Certain Aarrow stoves can be fitted with an add-in-boiler. These Stainless Steel boilers are either fitted on install or retrofitted at a later date. This type of Aarrow boilers fit in the back of the stove and connect up to your hot water system. Suitable for selected stove models such as Acorn, Becton, Camborne, Ecoburn, Evolution, Hamlet, Sherborne, Solution, Stratford, Valor and Villager A.

Can I fit an add-in-boiler to my Aarrow stove? 

Not all models have this add-in-boiler capability. Furthermore, boilers which are built into the carcass/body of the stove are not replaceable. If you are unsure of your stoves capability, please call/email us before placing an order. If you are removing a boiler, please ensure you block the tapping holes with the recommended boiler blanks shown below.

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