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Morso Badger Spares - 3100 Series

Here you can view and purchase popular Morso Badger Spares & Replacement Parts online. Nowadays, the Morso Badger is part of the the 3100 Series (3110, 3140, 3112, 3142). Below is a popular list of replacement Badger Parts including Throat Plate, Access Cover, Firebricks, Riddling Grate, Flue Collar, Door Rope Seal, Glass & more. Available for you to buy online from Rangemoors.

Morso Badger Spares, Tips & Help

When ordering spares for a Morso Badger or 3100 series it is important to identify the model correctly to ensure you get the right parts. Badgers, 3110 and 3140 models had a 6″ collar and a secondary air control above the door. These were last manufactured in 2006. After 2006 came the 3112, 3142 and 3116 models which had a 5″ flue collar and a secondary air control under the ashlip. Call / Email us for any parts not listed.

Morso Badger 3110 / 3140 exploded diagram | Morso Badger 3112 / 3142 exploded diagram

How to remove a Morso Badger Door

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