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Morso Squirrel Spares - 1400/1410/1430/1440

Here you can view and purchase genuine Morso Squirrel Spares for your stove. We stock and supply a wide range of Morso Squirrel parts, including, Baffle Plates, Firebricks, Glass, Grate, Fuel Retainer, Boiler, Rope Seals, Fixings and much more. All available to buy online from Rangemoors.

How to identify your Squirrel Model

The Morso Squirrel is one of the most popular and iconic stoves ever sold in the UK. Also known as the 1400 series, its models include the 1410, 1430 and 1440. We often get asked whats the difference between a 1410 and a 1430. The 1430 had a single air control, whereas the original 1410 had two. We’ve created a simple  info graphic here to help you identify your Squirrel Model. If you need any further help, please contact us here >

For 1410B, 1412, 1440B and 1442 Stoves, please redirect here.

Which Morso Squirrel do I have? 1410 / 1430 / 1440?
Morso Squirrel Parts Diagram
Morso Squirrel Instruction Manual

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