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Stovax Sheraton Spares (Pre 2017)

Despite its age, we still carry many Stovax Sheraton spares in stock. These common parts include Sheraton Firebricks, Baffle, Smoke Leader, Rope Seals, Glass Clips and more. All available to view and buy online. Please note the parts below are not suited to the new Sheraton (Post 2017).

Stovax Sheraton Spares, Tips & Help.

Sheraton Parts Diagram. The Sheraton is unique in that it doesn’t belong to a particular range. It is also has a distinctive baffle arrangement. Grates may vary so check the parts diagram above. If you cannot find the part you are looking for, or would just like some help, please call/email us. Don’t forget to check out our Special Offers & Gadgets Page.

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