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Town & Country Rosedale Inset Spares - Including Eco Design models

If you’re looking for Town & Country Rosedale Inset Spares then you’re in the right place! This page has common replacement parts for the Rosedale Inset Stove. Choose popular components such as Inset Flue Adaptor, Baffles, Rope Seals, Firebricks, Grates, Operating Tools, Glass and much more. Order online today for home delivery.

Town & Country Rosedale Inset Spares, Tips & Help

Please note the following spares are for the original Rosedale Inset only. If you have the freestanding version redirect hereIn 2019, changes were made to the Rosedale Inset to make it Eco-Design compliant. This involved adding an air tube in the back of the appliance, modifications to the firebricks and baffle. All other parts remain the same. If you have brick baffles and a perforated air tube at the back of the stove, this will mean you have the Eco version.

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Instruction Manual and user guide.

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