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Villager C Wood Spares

Parts listed on this page are specifically for the Villager C Wood. If you have a Multi-Fuel version i.e it has a riddling grate for coal, then you will need to re divert here.  Select the Villager C Wood spares you need from the list below inc Firebricks, Baffle/Throat Plates, Flue Collars, Hotplates, Glass, Door Components, Rope Seals and more.

Villager C Wood Spares, Tips & Help.

Old Villager C stoves had a plain rectangular glass measuring 155mm x 125mm. In later models the glass was 158mm x 158mm and one corner was angled off. Villager C Wood Fitting & Instruction Manual. If you cannot find the part you are looking for, or would just like some help, please call/email us. Don’t forget to check our Special Offers & Gadgets Page. 

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