Villager Chelsea Duo Spares
Looking to buy Villager Chelsea Duo Spares? Then this is the page you need. Here, we list numerous spares and component parts for the Chelsea Duo. Choose from popular items such as Firebricks, Throat Plate, Rope Seals, Glass, Flue Collar, Log Retainer, Door Latch and more. Order online for rapid delivery to your door.
Villager Chelsea Duo Spares, Tips & Help.
There were two main versions of the Villager Chelsea. The Solo (A Single Door versions) and the Duo (Double Door). The parts listed here are specifically for the Double Door Model. For Chelsea Solo spares re-route here. If you cannot find the part you are looking for, or would just like some help, please call/email us. Don’t forget to check our Special Offers & Gadgets Page. How to fit Chelsea Firebricks.
Showing 1–24 of 29 results
Showing 1–24 of 29 results