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Dovre 425 Spares

Genuine Dovre 425 Stove Spares & Replacement Parts available to order online from Rangemoors. Select the part you require from the list below, including Dovre 425 Throat Plate, Firebricks, Riddling Grate, Grate Frame, Glass & more.

There were two main models of Dovre 425. The 425GM and 425CB. The 425GM had a circular grate whereas the 425CB had a small rectangular grate which sat at the front of the grateframe. There was also a 450 model which had 2 mirrored grate plates, left and right, not shown below.

Can’t find the Dovre 425 spare part you’re looking for? Call / Email us for any parts not listed.

Dovre 425CB Exploded Diagram

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